Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz has announced new humanitarian aid for refugees in Northern Iraq after a meeting with the US-led coalition against the terror militia “Islamic State” (IS). An additional amount of 300.000 Euros for the primary care of 10.000 refugees will be provided by the Austrian Development Agency, Kurz said in Brussels on Wednesday.
In cooperation with international organizations, refugees are to be supplied on location with water, food, tents, and blankets to be able to survive, and to not have to flee to other countries, the foreign minister said. Kurz gave a positive review of the first meeting of the coalition, which includes more than 60 member countries and organizations. “It is crucial that besides NATO-states also neutral countries, but also Muslim countries take part, to prevent a conflict along religious cleavages, so that it is really a fight of the world against the terror of the IS”, Kurz stated.
The coalition is prepared for a long lasting fight. According to the foreign minister, everyone is aware that the conflict will “probably keep us occupied for years”, and that the coalition therefore will not be short-lived. Resulting out of the meeting, a more detailed coordination concerning which country has to contribute in which way is to follow. Austria will continue its humanitarian and political engagement, said Kurz. “Even though we are militarily neutral, we will definitely not turn a blind eye to the barbarism of the IS Terror.”
The complete article with further information on the meeting of the foreign ministers in Brussels can be found on the Homepage of the Salzburger Nachrichten.