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Turkish Ministers visit the Kurdistan Region

President Nechirvan Barzani received Mr. Hakan Fidan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Türkiye in Erbil on August 24.

At the meeting, attended by the Vice Presidents of the Kurdistan Region, the two sides discussed Türkiye’s relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, areas of mutual cooperation, Erbil-Baghdad relations and differences, and the ongoing negotiations between them. They also discussed the situation in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

President Nechirvan Barzani stressed that the Kurdistan Region attaches great importance to its relations with Türkiye, as the two sides share common economic and trade interests. The President expressed the Kurdistan Region’s keenness to expand Erbil-Ankara relations in all fields. He also thanked Türkiye for its support to the Kurdistan Region in all areas, especially during the difficult periods, stating that the Kurdistan Region remembers Türkiye’s support and assistance.

For his part, Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan stressed that Türkiye attaches special importance to its relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. Mr. Fidan praised the peace and stability of Erbil and the Kurdistan Region and expressed his country’s readiness to expand relations and cooperation between the two sides in all sectors. He also thanked President Nechirvan Bazrani for his role in promoting relations of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region with Türkiye.

The two sides also exchanged views on the issue of exporting oil from the Kurdistan Region through the Turkish Ceyhan Port.


Meetings with the Prime Minister


Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, also welcomed Türkiye’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Alparslan Bayraktar.

During their discussion, they addressed the latest developments in Iraq and the region, and explored avenues to further bolster the bilateral relationship between the Kurdistan Region and Türkiye.

Prime Minister Barzani emphasized the significance of enhancing ties, particularly in facilitating trade and easing the movement of travelers between both regions.

A key topic of their discussion was the urgency of continuing the oil exports from the Kurdistan Region to Türkiye’s Ceyhan port. They also stressed the importance of resolving any issues causing delays, as prolonging such matters would be detrimental to all parties involved.

They further deliberated on the “Road of Development” initiative, a proposed railway network aiming to connect the Gulf States and Iraq to Türkiye and beyond. Prime Minister Barzani asserted that the project should proceed with the full coordination and approval of the Kurdistan Region, ensuring the benefits are extended to all Iraqi citizens, regardless of their diverse backgrounds.

Foreign Minister Fidan expressed his pleasure at visiting the Kurdistan Region and conveyed Türkiye’s desire to fortify its relationship with the region across various sectors.

Concluding their discussions, at a joint press conference, both Prime Minister Barzani and Minister Fidan highlighted the necessity of enhancing economic, trade, and security relations, safeguarding the stability of Iraq, the Kurdistan Region, and the wider region.

original article President
original article Prime Minister