On Tuesday, 11 November 2014, the Deputy President of the Kurdistan Regional Parliament, Dr. Jaffar Eminiki, and the General Secretary of the Parliament, Faxradin Qadir, visited the KRG Representative in Austria, Dr. Mustafa Ramazan, in the KRG office in Vienna. After official meetings in Brussels, the parliamentary representatives were on transit in Vienna and used the opportunity to speak about current issues with Dr. Ramazan.
During the meeting, they discussed the situation in the Kurdistan Region, in which numerous refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) of the crisis in Iraq and Syria have found safety. Dr. Eminiki illustrated parliamentary measures it is currently adopting to improve the state of the displaced. In return, Dr. Ramazan explained the work of the KRG Representation in Austria, underlining the Representation’s various activities in helping to ease the humanitarian crisis in Kurdistan-Iraq, such as the coordination of Austrian humanitarian aid and the donation campaign for refugee families in the Region. Dr. Ramazan also briefed Dr. Eminiki and Mr. Qadir on their efforts to enhance bilateral relations with members of the Austrian Parliament. The KRG Representation is the contact to Austrian members of parliament, in order to enhance exchanges between the Kurdistan Regional Parliament and the Austrian Parliament in future, and to organize mutual delegation visits.